Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bla.. bla.. bla...

OK, bear with me.
This one going to be a long post. And it is the word not the photo.
So let's start.

When I bought my camera I was thinking of buying 500D but after thinking of it and discussing with a friend I decided to buy a 40D. It is a good buy and I never regret it. My friend said once you buy your DSLR, then there goes the money. Filters, lenses, tripod, etc, etc, etc.. But that only happens when you are really particular about your gadget. He said there are some photographers very particular about the sharpness in the image. They can zoom in to 100% just to see if the image is sharp or not. See the noise, etc... Crazy?? I thought so too that time.

Guess what. In few months (to be exact, 4 months after I bought my camera) I turn to be like that. I am not happy if my image is not sharp. Not happy with too much noise. And the best part not happy if my image is a bit slanted (I know can correct it in Photoshop, but it still not perfect since it is done after the image is taken). He said a bit slanted is very wrong, but slanted a lot is a style - I agree with this.

Well.. enough nagging. Guess I have to practice more if I hate those problem. Hopefully will take better images from now on. Oh yea don't worry, below still have the photos. And YES!! I am also not happy with them.

Hideaway in the City

One more thing. Though all my photos are crappy, all were shot by me. So please don't use it without my permission. I remember all my photos ok..


  1. did someone actually 'steal' your photo ><'??!! watermark nya di kasi lebih gede.. biar ga bisa di pake org.. =)

  2. nope not that i know. and i hope no one will take it
